Again… no one is forcing you to read this, so if you are offended or do not like what you are reading, be sure to stab your eyes with a fork.
About once a year someone does something either directly or indirectly that I think is worthy of a good flaying. It just so happens that Tuesday (6/12/12) I was informed of one of these flay-worthy events. I will begin with some background information:
First things first… After our Marines deployed (2nd Bn 5th Mar) we, “The Ladies of 2/5 <3” (A private FB group composed of mostly wives, fiancĂ©s, girl friends, bed…occupiers and me.. the sister) were very depressed to say the least, and the group became a really nice place to come and vent or seek advice from older (and wiser) ladies. Despite the warnings of my brother, I continued to talk and hang out with these ladies. For the most part I have met some really awesome, genuine, wise and just plain hilarious ladies. Now, this page had a lot of petty drama too that I won't get into.. But I will say there are a lot of girls between the ages of 17-19 on there that make me want to stab a M-er F-er. They are at that point in their lives where you look back at who you were dating and what you were doing and cringe. Anyway, point being that some of those ladies are awesome sauce and the others are idiots (even some that are not in those teenage years).
Back to the story..
So last week or so someone was talking about never getting to see photos of their man and whatnot so we all began posting photos, myself included. Some of them were your standard guys just standing in a line and posing for the camera; others were a little sillier like 2 guys on a motorcycle, etc. With that said one photo was posted and it was quite shocking to say the least. Most of us mature adults (..or immature) thought it was hilarious albeit disgusting. Basically the photo was of 4 or 5 Marines with their pants unbuttoned showing the progress of their “Bush off” (basically who can grow.. how does one say this.. basically showing lack of “manscaping”). There were no naughty bits to be seen, just some.. ok a lot of hair. Again most of us commented and said something along the lines of: “HAHAHAHA OMG! GROSS” or “eeewwww! The guy on the right is winning” or even.. “ Boys -_- SMH”. Now all of us left it at that.. except one dumb fucking bitch who had to go and ruin it.. She ended up emailing the Family Readiness Officer (FRO) who ended up contacting some commanding officer who found these guys and are in the process of tearing them new assholes. These Marines were NJP’d and as a part of their punishment were required to write letters of apology to the fucking “Ladies of 2/5”. These letters were very painful to read. These poor guys were just trying to have fun in the middle of a war zone and one sheltered, humorless bitch was offended and potentially ruined some lives.
Here is a letter from me to you:
Dear Sanctimonious Bitch,
That is some nerve you have. Had your virgin eyes never seen pubes before? What you should have done was maybe sent a private message to the woman who posted it and asked her nicely to remove it. Another route you could have taken was to message one of the Admins of the page and ask them to remove it. But you never considered those avenues did you? No, this goes much deeper than simply seeing Marines be Marines. Were you too sheltered as a child? Have you been fucked over by a Marine? Are/were you in love with one of the men pictured and deeply saddened when he decided you were a little bitch and began avoiding you? Or are you one of those women who thinks that she is a Marine and feels the need to tell other Marines on base to shave, cut their hair, take their hands out of their pocket, etc? Do you yourself have penis envy?
No matter your reason I have come to the conclusion that you are a miserable human being. You are an active member in the group fighting to pussify America. I am not sure if you are aware of this but America is STILL at war.. and this time it is OUR men over there. Yes, our men melting, getting shot at, eating bullshit, going without, getting disgusting stomach bugs, hitting IEDs like.. oh wait nvm.. in the middle (figure of speech.. not an OPSEC violation for you f-ing nazis) of a shit-hole called Afghanistan. I believe that these men have enough on their minds as it is without having the added stress of having to write letters to a now tarnished group known as "The Ladies of 2/5 <3" even though those poor Marines should have just written them to you, the Virgin Mary.
Either way, what's done is done…until I find out who you are…allegedly. Those poor Marines are being reprimanded, you have gone into hiding and the majority or us ladies with a sense of humor, class and community have left that group and formed our own private group that only has a handful of ladies as opposed to 150+. We now can speak freely ALWAYS without judgement, tell fart and penis jokes, talk shit about.. I mean discuss current events, and bask in the glory of each others' awesomeness.
With all that said, just remember this: karma is a bitch, you never fuck with a Marine and a Scorpio NEVER forgets…
Go to hell you rotten piece of shit.
<3 The biggest bitch you'll ever meet.. other than karma.. and maybe your mom.
<3 <3 <3