If you know me well you know that my brother is a BAMFing Marine in Afghanland right now. I like to think that I do a good job sending care packages and speaking to these Marines on the phone, email or Facebook chat at all hours of the day. I support them in anyway I can, whether that is to take their mother flowers on their birthday or to do my part by NOT violating OPSEC. I even went so far as to support and console the wives/girlfriends/fiances of these deployed Marines.
Sure with EVERY large group of women there is plenty of petty drama from not agreeing on choices made to being a VirginFUCKINGMary and getting a handfull of Marines NJP'd (see post below) because you are a stupid bitch. I decided to sever my ties with this group of women after being fed up with the daily drama that is over sensitive (sometimes juvenile) Marine wives/girl friends/fiances.
Sure with EVERY large group of women there is plenty of petty drama from not agreeing on choices made to being a VirginFUCKINGMary and getting a handfull of Marines NJP'd (see post below) because you are a stupid bitch. I decided to sever my ties with this group of women after being fed up with the daily drama that is over sensitive (sometimes juvenile) Marine wives/girl friends/fiances.
This brings me to the reasoning behind this blog post today...
WHY DO BITCHES INSIST ON CHEATING ON THEIR DEPLOYED MEN?!?! Can you really NOT go 7-9 months (5 months so far in our case) without being a dumb fucking slut? On multiple occasions during this deployment I have seen/heard/found a bunch of whores who just can't stay faithful.
Are you THAT needy? Do yo need attention THAT much?! Do you not love your significant other? And if this is the case why are you married and more importantly still with them?! If it for financial reasons? Is that why you got married in the first place?
Or is it because you are just a fucking whore?
A Few Situations:
1) XL-Dependapotamus: She is one of those young stupid ones who lives with her man's mother... I think... either way she is ALWAYS at her Marine's (LCPL. Hungry) parents house. Apparently XL-dependapotamus was really good friends with one of Hungry's relatives then decided that she wanted to date Hungry...NO!!! FRIENDS DO NOT DATE FRIENDS FAMILY MEMBERS!! FAMILY IS OFF LIMITS!
Now that he IS deployed she feels that his family is dumb for always judging her while she goes to hang out with other guys. HELLO MISS POTAMUS!! Your Marine is deployed! He is in a combat zone getting shot at and roasting his as off! While you go hang out with different guys! Of course his parents and family are not going to be happy with it! Their son is in harms way while you go out making stupid decisions! Yes, give the poor young man SOMETHING else to stress out about... This relationship will not last very long and good riddance. (No, technically this is not cheating but c'mon! have some class).
2) Some bitch left her fiance (a deployed Marine) for another woman so she wouldn't feel so pressures to have children... BITCH! WTF! Why would you agree to marry a man when REALLY you are just a lesbian! Last time I checked it was YOUR body! Do the world a favor and choke on.. snatch.
3) Mrs. LushFakers: This attention loving whore cheated on her husband (Lt. Boot) with some home-wrecking lesbian. Yes, this IS cheating. All this is paired with constantly causing unnecessary drama, being an attention seeking whore and all around trailer-trashiness (not to mention overweight and that is me being nice). There is so much more I could say on this but I will attempt to stay on topic (but get a real job seriously...).
Also.. just saying biches if you are married MAYBE discourage men that aren't your husband from flirting with you all over FaceBook and probably text messages. OR DON'T FUCKING GET MARRIED!
Cheating whores aside- MEN STOP DATING SLUTS AND WHORES!!!
Prime example:
Last night my friend and I were at a concert and 5 Marines ended up parking next to us. After the concert they came back trashed with 2 realllllly slutty girls. Apparently (according to one of their drunken rants) one of those sluts caused him to get stabbed (he was bleeding pretty good from the chest). So he goes on in his rant to say how when he was in Iraq his wife/girl friend/fiance cheated on him and he was tiered of whores.
BRO! If you are tiered of sluts (or whores) then WHY on earth did you decide on these girls? The girls were wearing almost knee high "cowboy" boots, with too short for their body type Daisy Dukes and corsets?!
Dudes! Stop picking up the girls dressed like sluts... unless it is Halloween THEY ARE PROBABLY SLUTS!!
Home-wreckers: Do the world a favor and go shoot yourselves in the motherfucking face. I hate you and the world does too...
Here are some words of wisdom I live my life by: BITCHES AIN'T SHIT BUT HOES AND TRICKS... just saying.
You stay classy...whores
*Disclaimer: All persons appearing in this work are based on truth. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely because they were probably a fucking whore. Just saying.