Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Go Fuck Yourself 2011

Dear 2011,
In my short 24 years of life I have never had a year this shitty. Congratulations you fucking suck. Now I know I have it better than some.. ok better than most and yes I agree, at least I don’t get shot at for a living ( you know I love and support you guys/ladies). But I am still going to go ahead and bitch.. nobody said you had to read this and you don’t have to.  So here it goes:
 I began my year in a relationship that ended soon thereafter. To be honest it ended pretty ugly but I won’t bad mouth him because somehow we became friends (I know all of my other ex’s had their egos maimed and wounded so we have no communication.. I guess this one is a masochist?) . ANYWAY during this super-fun-awesome (sarcasm) breakup I also lost my best friend of 8 years because she decided that she liked my ex more than she liked me and my family who so graciously took her in as one of our own. But I won’t go in to detail about that either as we have many mutual friends ( I really hope you are enjoying your friendship/relationship/whateverthefuckitis with him. Also I am done eating my bagel would you like to come take that off my hands as well?) Hmm.. maybe I should take my meds and finish this later..
Oh I got stranded in a 3rd world country (Yes, I count Mexico City as a 3rd world country.. have you been there?!) then a week later almost got stranded in another (Bogota, Columbia) that was fun.. like getting your teeth drilled.

ANYWAY.  I met some people and that was fun ended up getting in a relationship despite my conscious screaming at me not to. And well only a hand full of you actually know what happened there.. really I think like 6 of you know and that’s why I got sick... And that actually ended on “good” terms, well still on speaking terms (again I say weird). Then stupidly we got back together about a month later for 2 weeks before I find out that yes he too was cheating on me when one day his (unknown to me) whore-horsefaced girlfriend texts my little brother and offers him a chance to go on a double date with her and that piece of shit. Needless to say I ended that relationship about 3 minutes later via- text message.. Yes I know what you are thinking.. CLASSY. Well a classy breakup for some SUPER classy people. As they got married around a month later. I hope you both enjoy the abuse and I really hope one of you ends up in a ditch somewhere <3 all the best. Ok.

Things sucked for a while after that. and here is where I say THANK GOD for friends <3 Seriously without friends and family this would have ended badly.. and with friends like these.. who needs armies?

This is when my boss lost both of her children to her POS ex husband and I cannot even begin to say how shitty that was..

 I won’t even start on the family drama.. the count at this point is I’m down 2 boyfriends, 1 best friend, 2 aunts and 1 uncle. Horray. In nerd news my final viewing of the last Harry Potter movie was ruined by a fat bitch (If you are not on my nerd level you will not understand this in the least)

We have reached November. And this is where I arrived home from work one day to find my horse of 13 years in a ton of pain so I call my vet immediately and he came and does what he always does.. then usually the morning she is always fine.. Except that next morning. When I had to call him back and tell him that my horse who I have owned more than half of my life is in a stupid amount of pain and even though I am the most selfish person I know I can’t let her suffer and he needs to come put her out of her misery. So he comes and I watch the life leave her in the field next to my house and now owe about $550 to my vet.  Oh but that’s not all!! Just 2 short weeks later I get the call on a shitty Wednesday night that my grandpa Jack Scholten has passed away.  <3 you and miss you Gramps. Thank you for your service and thanks for being my goofy old grandpa. 
 Don’t have any pics of my Grandpa L
Now I also had to trade in Dora (my car of 8 years) because she was really starting to have issues and this doesn’t compare to the last paragraph I wrote but she was my first car and I have a lot of really great memories in that car. I hope Annie is half as cool as Dora was.

Now of course 2011 couldn’t let me leave without one final kick in the nuts. I decided that on Christmas eve I would go on a nice relaxing ride on my baby horse who I have ridden hundreds of times on the same trail we always take.. The ride was going along just fine when all of a sudden my horse decided to break one of my personal records that really did not need to be broken. I have not been thrown off of a horse in 17 years. But 2011 wouldn’t be complete without sending me off without an injury. So yeah. For some reason Luna (that bitch) decided that she did not want to trot through mud (im still not sure if that was it) and decided that pretending she was a bronc was the better way out and bucked me off.. idk how the hell I fucked up my knee because I landed on my back. Her only saving grace was that she stopped turned around and came back to stand over me. She would probably have gotten tied up and she would still be tied up if she wouldn’t have done that. But I am alive (bruised, swollen, in some pretty good pain, missing some skin and limping like an old person) so that’s a positive…

(Here she is standing by me waiting for my parents to come)
I didn’t even touch on the deployments that friends and family are on/went on. Those are never fun and to be honest they suck.
Chargers sucked but I didn’t expect anything different.. Go Saints.

I got a few new scars, learned a few new lessons and made some memories with good friends that will make this year worth living. Horray nerd club, all my friends that ride and rode with me, horray my partner in crime we had some awesome adventures, thanks  Zoolander, my family and thanks to everyone on here who left some encouraging words or told me that the shit I say on here made them laugh. 


Now I told some people I would write all this crap down and post it.. so if you feel the need to post a comment about how much worse off you are or how this isn’t that bad .. prepare to get your ass handed to you. I need to up my dosage, its shark week, I am in a good amount of pain and I am just looking to take my anger out on someone..it might as well be you. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. <3
The. End.